Legacy Forging
How to Grow a thriving online community
for lightworkers, content-creators, and Legacy Forgers, using their life experience
(even if your knowledge is extremely specialized)

Who is it for?

This class is for the change-maker. The Legacy Forger. The visionary who knows that they can create a better world with their knowledge & experience, but who needs to know HOW.
For the aspiring change-maker and the seasoned veteran alike, you’ll learn how to source, package, share, and grow your knowledge and wisdom for the people who needs to hear it.
You’re here to change the world, and it’s time to get to work.
When & Where?

November 8th, 12:00 pm CET – 5:00 pm CET
It will be virtually hosted through a Zoom Meeting.

Why should you care?

A New Age
2022 is not like 1970. Today, attention is the new currency, and honest, genuine, and authentic humans are seeing huge examples of this. YouTube has become a valid business for an overwhelmingly big amount of people, and not long ago – and still today in some cases – YouTubers were laughed at for thinking they could actually make money on the platform.
These opportunities – which were many – created a completely new way of seeing business as a whole.
Today, you can create a movement on any platform, which in some cases can be seen as having a cash-printing machine at home. All you have to do is to deliver the value.
You have a responsibility
Money aside, we have a responsibility today that is growing in urgency. We need to share our wisdom so that our youth has an opportunity to learn about more than only state-approved knowledge and the Kardashians.
We need to share our values and our ethos, so that our children stand a chance, quite honestly.
By building a community like the one you’ll learn here, you will leave behind a Legacy. This program is not intended for the quick win, it’s meant to outlive you. It’s meant to help your children’s children’s children – and of course, you – to not only live the life you deserve but to help others live theirs as well.
Be the bird you always wanted to be
Tor wanted to eat worms and freeze at night while being able to work and live as he wanted. In other words, he wanted to be able to pack his bag and head into the wilderness, while also being able to sustain that lifestyle through his business. Through psychedelic coaching and business/freedom in nature, he was able to do just that.
Freedom is a lot more valuable than currency in Tor’s mind, but the most valuable thing of all is to actually be able to choose how to live… 100% Independently.

What is this?

In this class, you’ll learn how to create a powerful movement based on your vision and mission in the form of a virtual community.
You will understand what it takes to quantify your goals and package your knowledge so that others can grow and learn from it.
As your community grows, you’ll also know how to serve in the most valuable way, which will create engagement and harmony among your followers.
Owning and managing a virtual community of like-minded people in 2022 can be seen as holding the keys to your own future, where you can design it as you see fit – with value to those who have put their trust in you.
What will you learn?

The philosphy
You’ll learn different concepts that will help you create value in your community, by looking at each task through a valuable “reality lens”.
Sustainable Structure
You’ll learn how to work smarter and not harder right from the start, which will allow you to grow your community without sacrificing time and/or energy.
Software and Platforms
You’ll learn about different platforms and how to use them so that you can create a community that is a reflection of you.
You don’t want this journey to add stress to your life by adding yet another system that you need to get into.
Technology will always change, but humans remain the same.
How to Monetize growth
You’ll learn how Tor grew and maintains to this day, a (very controversial) group to 6000 members and counting, and how to predictably grow for however long you desire.

We’ll go over a few concepts that will align your mentality towards the possibilities of a virtual community

Create the foundations of your community and make it ready for population

Implement your new knowledge and start your amazing journey

Price: €79
Signing up: You can sign up through the form below.
Other classes/events: Custom classes and education are offered on demand. Reach out to tor@torseppola.com and we’ll contact you.

The questions we’ve been asked the most
What if I'm not "technical"?
Everything that you’ll learn in this class will be very practical. You’ll have step-by-step “recipes” to work from.
The essence of this knowledge is not based in technical know-how, rather how to create value in a smart, proven, and sustainable way
Do I have to be online for this?
This is a virtual class, so yes. The movement can be built offline, but it will take you years, if not a lifetime if you don’t take advantage of modern options.
Will this work for my niche?
This will work for any niche and/or interest known to man.
What if I don't have anything to sell?
Your old paradigm is speaking. In 2022, everyone has something to sell.
And if you think that you want to do this for free, then there’s nothing stopping you there either. This can be utilized in many different ways.
In my experience – if one chooses to be serious about this journey – one needs to sell something if one wants to be independent and still eat.
What platform is this?
The platform you choose can be anything. Discord, Facebook, WhatsApp, your own, Instagram… Anything.
The platform we use to share this knowledge is a hybrid between Discord and Zoom.
I've tried to be successful in the past...
…and if you followed a scripted approach, which is “the norm” these days, no wonder it didn’t work out.
You’re unique. To follow someone else’s process is never going to be beneficial unless you think and act in the exact same way.
This is not like anything else you’ve seen. This class is a result of walking the talk for a number of years.